Results for the keyword nations

Thierry deMontbrial, Thomas Gomart
France and the National Interest Is France’s foreign policy still guided by our own interests?
Fundamental to the upcoming presidential elections in the context of war in the Middle East and Africa, and of domestic insecurity. The book will be supported and promoted by the IFRI (Institut français de relations internationales).

Bertrand Badie
Globalized Powers Rethinking International Security
A strong thesis: only States that are truly committed to globalization will be able to protect their fellow citizens effectively.

Dominique Schnapper
Of Democracy in France
From providential democracy to extreme democracy, the concepts forged by D. Schnapper have now passed into contemporary language. A great voice for democracy (D. Schnapper, the daughter of Raymond Aron, is former member of the Conseil constitutionnel).

Laurent Murawiec
The Spirit of Nations Cultures and Geopolitics
What drives the many nations that crowd onto the stage of world politics? The study of geopolitics seeks to find the force that moves them, by examining their geographical position and national interests, but it does not exhaust the subject of motives. How, for example, is their position perceived and understood? How are national interests regarded? The present investigation rests on a number of postulates, without which it would be impossible to proceed: the spirit of a nation must be real, characteristic and recognisable; it must matter; and the nations themselves must continue to matter." Laurent Murawiec