Results for the keyword nonlocality

Jean-Pierre Pharabod, Gérard Klein
Fortune and Misfortune in Quantum Physics (Re)discovering the great theories of physics
The great theories of physics seen through the controversies they provoke. Quantum physics and general relativity, the two pillars of modern physics, are a source of fascination to many. Difficult subjects tackled in their historical context and without scientific tools.

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Under the Sign of Light The Itinerary of a Physicist in a Quantum World
A valuable text on the history of physics in the Twentieth Century. “The man who stopped atoms with light.”

Nicolas Gisin
Unthinkable Randomness Non-Locality, Teleportation and Other Quantum Wonders
An indispensable book to finally understand the fascinating world of quantum physics
Results : 1 to 4 from 4 books