Results for the keyword Prehistory
Maurice Taieb, Doris Barboni
Once Upon a Time There Was Lucy
The discovery of Lucy told to children by one of her historic discoverers. Illustrations by Cécile Gambini.
Yves Coppens
Origins of Man: Origins of a Man Memoirs
Richly illustrated, the memoirs of a great paleontologist, a man of exceptional breadth and an indefatigable story-teller, world-renowned prehistorian, and award-winning French scientist. The story of a life dedicated entirely to studying, explaining, reconstituting, understanding, telling about, and conveying the history of human beings, and the mystery of our origins.
Yves Coppens
The Past of the Present A Prehistorian’s Chronicles
Will Homo sapiens know how to adapt too? What lessons can we learn from the creatures that preceded us on Earth, and from what they were capable of doing? Who better than Yves Coppens can make us aware of the amazing relevance of the past from which we have all sprung?
Jean Guilaine, Chantal Alibert
Paul Tournal, The Inventor Of Prehistory
A clear and accessible account of the obstacles endured by the inventor of prehistory, in particular in overcoming disbelief in the existence of fossilised human remains.