Results for the keyword primate
Pascal Picq
And Evolution Created Woman Sexual Coercion and Violence in Men
An accessible, compelling assessment of what has been learned concerning the relationships between the sexes/genders from an evolutionary point of view.
Pascal Picq
Artificial Intelligence and the Chimpanzees of the Future For an Anthropology of Intelligence
Confronted with future challenges connected with the emergence of AI, a lucid and enlightening look by a paleoanthropologist, specialist in evolution.
Georges Chapouthier
Saving Humans through Animals
An original thesis that connects in a paradoxical, but reasoned way, the development of morality in humans to their animal nature.
Michel Brunet
We are all Africans In search of the first man
The book gives a lively account of the life of a palaeontologist, with descriptions of excavations and findings.
Results : 1 to 4 from 4 books