Results for the keyword soft-power

Frédéric Charillon
A World of Influences Soft Power
An ambitious and convincing work that aims to present the new face of international relations.

Sophie Boisseau du Rocher, Emmanuel Dubois de Prisque
China Is/and the World A Look at Sino-globalization
By stressing the gap between today’s international system and what it would be in the event of Chinese hegemony, we will understand better what is at play, and what is lost, with the “de-Westernization” of the world.

François Godement, Abigaël Vasselier
China on Our Doorstep An update on China – European Union relations
China-EU relations today are at a turning point. François Godement is beyond doubt one of the preeminent French specialists of contemporary China.
Results : 1 to 3 from 3 books