Results for the keyword terrorism

Daniel Sibony
A Radical Love Belief and Identity
An original analysis of the relationships between religions, between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Key concepts in psychoanalysis applied to religions: denial, repressions, impulses, illusions.

Alain Bauer, Marie-Christine Dupuis-Danon
The Bloodhounds: A Story of the French Intelligence Services in Their Own Words
Interviews with the great leaders in French Intelligence. These interviews break with a culture of secrecy; what the leaders say in no way glosses the difficulties, or the missteps, of the Services, or the manipulations that occur for reasons of high-level – or low-level – politics.

Bernard Chouvier
The Fanatics
For more than twenty years, Bernard Chouvier has studied various forms of political and religious commitment and activism and their sectarian excesses.

Thierry deMontbrial, Thomas Gomart
France and the National Interest Is France’s foreign policy still guided by our own interests?
Fundamental to the upcoming presidential elections in the context of war in the Middle East and Africa, and of domestic insecurity. The book will be supported and promoted by the IFRI (Institut français de relations internationales).

Mario Bettati
The International Struggle Against Terrorism
Terrorism and the anti-terrorist struggle appraised by an eminent European expert