Results for the keyword wisdom, being wise

The Dalaï-lama, Thubten Chödrön
Buddhism One Teacher, Many Traditions
The diverse expressions of the Buddha's teachings

Roger-Pol Droit
The Company of Philosophers
Roger-Pol Droit takes the reader on a voyage through time, spanning the centuries from Antiquity to the present, in a series of intellectual portraits of great and usual or remarkable thinkers, beginning with Socrates and Plato and ending with Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze. A major part of this volume is devoted to modern philosophers, from Kant to Heidegger. The author's goal is to stimulate new thought and to bring to life for the reader the vital ideas of past thinkers.

Gustave-Nicolas Fischer
Healing Your Life An Inner Journey
A new look at the healing process that urges you to transform yourself and your existence
Results : 1 to 7 from 7 books