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Pierre Gascar
A Look at the Home of Monsieur Pasteur
The spirit which inspired Pasteur's work is kept alive by the Institut Pasteur in Paris. From the discovery of the rabies virus and vaccine, to the Nobel Prize winning work of the Paris school of molecular biology, P. Gascar traces the history of an institution which has formed some of the finest biological minds of the century.

Michel Baroin
The Power of Love
Defining who I am, what I believe in, and where I exercise my responsabilities, whether within my family, the city, or the companies I am in charge of; taking from this experience a message of hope for the future, a moral for the individual, a conception of society: this is the aim of this essay, written by M. Baroin, the former Grand Master of the Grand-Orient de France, who died in an aircrash in 1987.

Michel Rocard
Putting One's Heart into One's Work
In this intellectual and political autobiography, former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard explains the ethical requirements which underlied his every political action. This book provides an uncompromising analysis of French society and politics by examining the economic, cultural and social questions which France poses itself today.

Jean-Claude Barreau
Of Good Government The Hidden Truths of History and the News
For the edification of the citizens that we are, the author examines philosophical problems that we had considered resolved since the 18th century, in light of current events. A powerful demonstration of the secret pillars of power, which underlines the necessity of the social contract. Jean-Claude Barreau is the Inspector General of National Education, and has held various positions in high-level administration.

Alain Devaquet
The Amoeba and the Student University and Research: A State of Emergency
The student revolt of December 1986 translated the profound disarray of a university world faced with the mutations at work in modern-day France. In an analysis of the causes of the events that led to the repeal of his project of law on the universities. Alain Devaquet underlines the importance of the stakes represented by higher education and research on the future of a country and formulates an ensemble of propositions in light of their development. Alain Devaquet is a former minister of higher education and research, and a professor at the faculty of sciences of Paris.

Max J. Skidmore, Marshall Carter Tripp
American Democracy
What do we really know about the United States? A superpower that fascinates for its success and irritates by its arrogance, this immense country is nonetheless an extraordinary political invention, a real laboratory of democracy. This book describes the functioning of the American regime, whose essence is that of being a perpetual creation.

Jean Bernard
About a Man
A sixty year battle against childhood leukemia. Life, the career of a renowned haematologist who contributed to the renaissance of medical research in France and participated in one of the greatest scientific ventures of this century: the exploration of blood. With humour and wisdom J. Bernard gives the testimony of a great humanist of our time.

Jacques de Fouchier
Banking and Life
The story of the creation of the Compagnie Bancaire and the recent history of Paribas as told by one of the great French financiers and a primary player in his field, Jacques de Fouchier. A valuable testimony that illustrates his confidence in men and in life. Banker Jacques de Fouchier is currently the Honorary President of both the Compagnie Bancaire and Paribas. He is also the author of The Taste of the Improbable (1984).

Jean-Didier Vincent
Casanova - The Diseases of Pleasure
J.-D. Vincent, author of The Biology of Passions, now turns his energetic eye upon the famous Venitian adventurer of the 18th century, whose Memoirs are strangely peppered with glorious descriptions of his diseases: no less than eleven small poxes for a multitude of conquests...

Max Gallo
The Left is Dead. Long Live the Left!
Max Gallo, a man of conviction and a socialist to the core, assesses ten years of Socialist power in France: lost illusions, betrayed hopes, problems left unsolved . This critical picture of contemporary France forgoes personal attacks and concession in an attempt to revive the leftist spirit of progress and reform.

Michel Henry
From Communism to Capitalism : A Theory of Disaster
Communist totalitarianism is breaking apart because it rejected reality in favour of abstractions and falsely universal principles. Those who now rush West from Prague or Bucarest cannot imagine what awaits them: the levelling of values and individuality. M. Henry s work is a meditation against everything which undermines these disoriented refugees, whether it be spiritual starvation, creative thirst, or physical hunger.

Gérard Chaliand, Jean-Pierre Rageau
The Atlas of Diasporas
For the first time, a complete and global presentation, both historical and geographical, of diasporas. Sixty maps, many illustrations, and accurate syntheses help reproduce the great archipelago of exile, wandering and migration. From the authors of The Strategic Atlas, The Political Atlas of the 20th Century, and The Atlas of Europeans.

Pierre-Jean Rémy
The Other Sentimental Education
A life recounted through various forms: masterworks and music pieces, pictures and images, the pens of writers, the voices of friends, the steady rhythm of the seasons, an everlasting love. A heart-warming novel by P.-J. Rémy, diplomat and member of the French Academy.

Jean Hamburger
Beautiful Imprudences
"Man has broken all the commandments to which living beings are bound. We had the audacity to want the weak to be protected. We gave rights to the individual. We decreased the rate of infant mortality and doubled the rate of life expectancy. But can we avoid the punishments of these beautiful imprudences?" Jean Hamburger Jean Hamburger was at the forefront of modern necrology and the principals of medical resuscitation. A member of the Académie Française and the Académie de Médecine, he was also President of the Académie des Sciences.

Thierry Breton
The Invisible Dimension The Challenge of Time and Information
The explosion of modern methods of handling information has changed our world. Already space and matter count less then the capacity to control the flux of information. "Intelligence" triumphs, a new source of growth and profit. At a crossroads of science, economy and political and cultural thought, this work is a journey to the heart of the great technological dream of this fin-de-siècle and the society of information that is currently being constructed. Thierry Breton is the author of Softwar, Vatican III and Netwar, works of technological and geopolitical fiction that have been translated in twenty countries.