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Françoise Héritier
The Salt of Life
In this wonderful little book that literally sparkles with wisdom, Françoise Héritier incites us to play a game with our own memories
Luc Ferry, Xavier Darcos, Claudie Haigneré
A letter to all those who like school To explain the current reforms
Our education system was and still is today one of the best in the world. However, it is now experiencing new problems, which have been consistently denied as a result of both political point scoring and a lack of courage. Dare we suggest that the true reasons for these indisputable difficulties actually come, for the most part, from the school itself ? What is the solution ? How can teachers be helped to do their best so that their pupils perform better ?" Luc Ferry
André Brahic
A Manifesto for Science
Because science fascinates and awakens the mind, it should be given pride of place in society and education
Jacques Delors, Michel Dollé
Investing in Social Issues
Jacques Delors offers a new vision of the welfare state, adapted to the challenges and difficulties of the present...
Boris Cyrulnik
wounded souls
Following the immense success of the first volume, Boris Cyrulnik continues his memoirs and offers us an extraordinary life lesson
André Grimaldi, Didier Tabuteau, François Bourdillon, Frédéric Pierru, Olivier Lyon-Caen
Manifesto for Fair and Egalitarian Healthcare
In the run-up to the French presidential elections, two healthcare specialists denounce the constant and catastrophic deterioration of hospitals in France — and propose effective solutions
Claire Vajou
A testimonial that is as unbelievable as it is distressing, underpinned by superb writing
Michel Godet, Alain Lebaube, Philippe Ratte
Good News in France
“Once upon a time, there was a marvellous country called France, famed for its geographic and geologic variety as well as for its rich heritage and the diversity of its cultural traditions...
Philippe Kourilsky
The Right Usage of the Precautionary Principle
The precautionary principle is a term so frequently repeated in most spheres of public life that it has become something of a mantra. And yet it remains controversial and has been given many different, and often contradictory, interpretations by its supporters and opponents. For these reasons, the author argues that it is essential to clarify the way the term is used, and this forms the basis of this work. Philippe Kourilsky is the head of the Institut Pasteur and a member of the French Academy of Science.
Michel Schneider
Big Mother The Psychopathology of Political Life
Listening, closeness, emergencies, love - politicians today play up to the mother. Leaders dare not lead, the citizens are now so child-like that they simply wait to be told what to do by the State : the Leisure State behaves like those mothers who cannot stand to think that their children can play by themselves, and insist on keeping them busy. Where are the fathers ? Is this the end of the paternal reference and the symbolic order of things ? A psychoanalyst, Michel Schneider was formerly a director of music and dance at the Ministry of Culture.