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Bertrand Badie
Between Two Cultures
A subtle and sensitive account of a private part of Bertrand Badie’s life, which sheds new light on his interest in world affairs.

René Depestre, Marc Augé
Good Evening Tenderness
The life of an intellectual, revolutionary, and adventurer. An important figure in the négritude movement, alongside Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon. An original reflection on identity and skin color. A look back on his revolutionary dreams and the Cuba regime, in the time of Castro and Che.

Raymond Aubrac
Where the memory lingers
Discreet by nature and secretive by necessity, Raymond Aubrac has been closely involved in more than half a century of history, in France and abroad. Within France, he is one of the great figures of the Resistance, and is one of the last survivors of the meeting at Caluire, on June 21st 1943, in the course of which Jean Moulin was arrested. A confidant of Ho Chi Minh, Raymond Aubrac also played a central role in the secret negotiations which accompanied the Vietnam war. In this book he gives a new, personal account of these events and others, including his meeting with de Gaulle, his role in the reconstruction of France, and his work at the heart of the UN.

Laura Arnal, Charlotte Guttinger
I Beat Lyme’s Disease
With climate change, there is a risk of a proliferation of ticks and contractions of the disease. The book reads like a novel; alongside the main story, other accounts illuminate the struggles of Lyme disease sufferers.

Gilles Antonowicz
Sexual Crimes The Reponse of the Judiciary
What is the value of the testimony of a minor who declares having been sexually abused by a family member? What procedures does the judiciary follow to try to prevent the risk of a false allegation? The author explains and comments on the judicial procedure for these sensitive cases, which are often long, complex and very trying. The author goes on to ask if the time has not come to reconsider the status of the victim in these penal proceedings. Gilles Antonowicz is a lawyer specialising in cases concerning the sexual abuse of minors.

Kofi Annan
Interventions A Life in War and Peace
The story of Kofi Annan’s forty years at the centre of the world stage

Jacques Andréani
America and Us
Discussions about the U.S. tend to be heated, both in France and within America itself. To see this issue clearly, it is necessary to move away from a stereotypical vision, created by prejudice. What we notice immediately is the image of success and power, but also continuing tensions, unresolved dilemmas, and a problem in cooperating with the rest of the world. Politics, economy, religion, relations between individuals and communities, the law and the role of the judiciary, social and racial fragmentation : these are all themes dealt with in this book, with a view to ending misconceptions and to take us beyond the old Franco-American misunderstandings. Jacques Andréani was Frances ambassador to the United States from 1989 to 1995.

Jean-Louis André
At the Heart of Urbanity
What should be done about neglected suburbs, the bedroom towns, dehumanized, and deregulated ? When we are faced with buildings in ruins, with wasteland and concrete deserts ? The answer is to stop trying to fix the obvious defects of these surburbs and instead concentrate on the heart of the town, in the common space, which must take on the changes made and symbolise an identity. Jean-Louis André, graduate of the Ecole normale supérieure, is a journalist. He has notably published with Ricardo Bofill, The Spaces of A Life.

Claude Alphandéry
A Politically Committed Family
A short, powerful and incisive work that explores the meaning of life and of personal commitment