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Liliane Zylbersztejn
Itinerary of an Abused Child Hate, love, and life
A powerful testimony enriched with a reflection on children’s psychological defences against abuse. Seen as a positive psychological process, this approach to hatred — an unusual concept — can light the path of many people who consider themselves affected.

Michel Zink
Books from the Past, Readings for Today
When you read an ancient text — which is what you do whenever you read anything besides today’s paper or the latest bestseller...

Fareed Zakaria
The Future of Freedom
Is it really so that more democracy leads automatically to more freedom ? Why, in the four corners of the world, are we now seeing an increased capacity for religion to mobilise the people ? Why, in Europe as in the United States, do we have minorities and oligarchies reigning in the name of the people ? Why has there been an increase in the number of regimes which are born from the polling booth, yet which exalt fanaticism, repression and war ? A dazzling world tour of the geo-political horizon, and also a lesson in modern and contemporary history, which we lead us to reexamine our own prejudices. Fareed Zakaria is the editor of Newsweek International and was formerly the managing director of the review Foreign Affairs.

Daniel Widlöcher, Antoine Périer, Nicolas Georgieff
Around Daniel Widlöcher: Psychoanalytical Conversations with Antoine Périer and Nicolas Georgieff
These conversations with Daniel Widlöcher are of particular importance: he is one of the last great figures in French psychoanalysis of the post-war generation.

Laurent Wauquiez
The struggle of the middle class
In the run-up to the French presidential elections, here are a series of proposals that offer the middle classes the future perspectives they deserve

Anca Visdei
A Biography of Alberto Giacometti
A fascinating narrative that recounts the life of a major artist and his relationship with his work and with creation, in which relationships with those close to him, notably with his mother, played an important role.

Jean-Didier Vincent
Casanova - The Diseases of Pleasure
J.-D. Vincent, author of The Biology of Passions, now turns his energetic eye upon the famous Venitian adventurer of the 18th century, whose Memoirs are strangely peppered with glorious descriptions of his diseases: no less than eleven small poxes for a multitude of conquests...

Roger Vigouroux
Another day, another patient Memoirs of a Neuropsychiatrist
The author has chosen an unconventional tone and format to describe the experiences of a doctor specialized in mental illness, as well as those of his patients. Exceptional access to day-to-day psychiatric consultations, which is rarely possible to achieve.

Claire Vajou
A testimonial that is as unbelievable as it is distressing, underpinned by superb writing

Justin Vaïsse
Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy (2008-2012)
In the run-up to the U.S. Presidential elections, an eminent specialist assesses the present administration

Justin Vaïsse
Zbigniew Brzezinski Strategist of the Empire
The itinerary of this exceptional statesman offers a unique behind-the-scenes view of U.S. foreign policy in the making

Agnès Desarthe, René Urtreger
King René
The life and destiny of an artist of genius. The talent of Agnes Desarthe brings a whole era back to life

Polo Tonka
Conversation with Myself
How does one live with schizophrenia? This exceptional document gives an inside view of the disorder.

Ghislaine Thesmar
A Life on Pointe Dance as destiny
The story of an exceptional principal dancer which in a very beautiful style offers an impassioned look at her life. With Ghislaine Thesmar, the reader enters fully into that long line of transmission of the art of dance, one that is constantly renewed and enriched.

Jean Guisnel, Bruno Tertrais
The President and the Bomb
Fed by unimpeachable sources — archives, interviews, personal memoirs — this book is for everyone, as even experts on the subject will find surprises here.

Philippe Taquet
Georges Cuvier Anatomy of a Naturalist
The second of three volumes, this one dealing with scientific work between 1795 and 1803; the third will deal with the later years of the greatest biologist of his time.

Jean-Pierre Sueur
Changing the City For a New Urbanity
Twenty years after France introduced its urban policy, the situation in the cities leaves much to be desired. Widespread problems include insecurity, violence, inequality, unemployment, pollution, poor housing or housing in hideously ugly tower blocks, traffic jams, and the emergence of ghettos. The author gives a critical reading of the various remedial urban policies introduced during the past few years and points to ways in which the underlying causes of todays urban problems may finally be confronted, so as to ultimately and truly change our cities. Jean-Pierre Sueur, a former government minister and member of Parliament, is the mayor of Orleans.

Pierre Sudreau
Beyond All Frontiers (New Edition)
At the moment when former barriers are crumbling, but old hates and fears are re-emerging, Pierre Sudreau mixes historical tale, political thought and insightful meditation while inviting us to define a new morality of humanity. Deported to Buchenwald, Pierre Sudreau was a police chief at the time of the Libération, and later served as the Director of the Ministry of the Interior. He was a Minister under Charles de Gaulle, and resigned in 1962 at the time of the Constitutional reform. In 1974, he was the author of a celebrated report about business reform.

Daniel Sibony
Marrakech, Departure Point
During a weekend trip to Marrakech — his hometown — a novelist has a love affair that becomes intertwined with reminiscences of his childhood.

Daniel Sibony
Muslims and Jews in the Arabic World
Shedding an original and doubtless controversial light on the question of the relationship between Islam and the secular world.

Daniel Sibony
A Radical Love Belief and Identity
An original analysis of the relationships between religions, between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Key concepts in psychoanalysis applied to religions: denial, repressions, impulses, illusions.

Daniel Sibony
A new heart
A new and striking dive into the world of advanced surgery. But above all, it is a moving meditation on life, its backlash and unity.

Jean-Michel Severino, Olivier Ray
Social Issues on a Global Scale
Global interdependence has raised social issues to a central position in contemporary debate. But will we know how to deal with these issues?