Political books All books

Dominique Rousseau
Six Theses in Favor of Continuous Democracy
The question of a change in constitution has often been raised: it is entirely relevant in the electoral campaigns of 2022...

Jacques Lévy
The Ethical Turning Point and the World Society
A fascinating and ambitious book, which gives back meaning to disparate and disturbing realities: the rise in protectionisms and nationalisms, the exacerbation of radicalisms by social networks, ecological and health challenges, etc…

Philippe Ratte
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing The Other Great President
An original biography that convincingly and in a remarkably well-informed way develops arguments that support its position.

Coralie Miller, Dominique Miller
First Lady
Written by a mother and her daughter, a surprising work that launches the reader into fictional tremors while plunging him or her into the depths of analytical reflections on women and politics.

Sylvain Kahn, Jacques Lévy
The Land of Europeans
Contrary to received ideas, this book shows that the European Union, far from keeping peoples under glass, is made along with them. And if they are the first to criticize European public policies, so much the better!

Henri Guaino
The End of the West?
A powerful, inspired text that calls upon the greatest voices in literature, philosophy, and history, and which is, through its writing, an illustration of the ideas it is defending.

Kevin O'Rourke
A Short History of Brexit
This book is the story of a divorce, the one between the United Kingdom and Europe with the referendum of 23 June 2016.

Philippe Ratte
De Gaulle and the Republic
A decisive speech for the history of France. A history lesson from an exceptional moment of founding and reform. An analysis of the founding of the Fifth Republic. A close look at what Gaullism was.