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George W. Bush
By the Grace of God
George W. Bush is the new President of the United States. Who is the real man behind the publicity ? What are his values ? What are his ideas for the future of America and the world in general ? This book not only represents a true reflection of the man himself, it is also an invaluable source of information on modern day America.

Max J. Skidmore, Marshall Carter Tripp
American Democracy
What do we really know about the United States? A superpower that fascinates for its success and irritates by its arrogance, this immense country is nonetheless an extraordinary political invention, a real laboratory of democracy. This book describes the functioning of the American regime, whose essence is that of being a perpetual creation.

Édouard Chevardnadzé
The Future is Freedom
Why did the former Soviet Union allow itself to be led to the emancipation of the peoples of Central Europe? Why would it accept the reunification of Germany? How did it find the pathway to alliance with the United States? Under what conditions will it be able to master economic crisis and political instability? A lucid look at what is becoming of our world, by one of the authors of change in the East, the ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Soviet Union.

Bill Clinton
Back to Work Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy
“There is simply no evidence that we can succeed in the twenty-first century with an antigovernment strategy,” based on “a philosophy grounded in ‘you’re on your own’ rather than ‘we’re all in this together.’ ” Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton
Between Hope and History Meeting America's Challenges for the 21st Century
For many people, America remains a model. A model of an economy in full growth, a model of a society which has created millions of jobs, a model of a nation reuniting men and women from the most diverse origins. Today, like before, America demonstrates her amazing capacity to adapt and to bounce right back. For the first time in print, the President of the United States expounds his personal vision of the American dream, a dream which he intends, from this moment forward, to transform into reality. A political document, but also offering many subjects, from education to budgetary concerns, for general reflection.