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François Dalle, Jean Bounine
Education in Business Against the Unemployment of the Young
Each year in France, 250,000 young people come out of the education system without even a shred of a diploma. The German example and that of Japan shows that the work situation and economic performance are better when schools assure proper instruction and enterprise takes charge of paving the way to employment. François Dalle, President of l'Oréal from 1957 to 1984, and Jean Bounine, advisor to the general directors of this group, are the authors of a 1987 report on employment.
Jean-Bernard Raimond
The Choice of Gorbachev
Who is Michel Gorbachev really? Is he communism's gravedigger or simply an apparatchik worried about postponing his disappearance from the political scene? Or is he one of history's free and tragic heroes, who found himself transported in spite of himself by the collapse of the world that had made him powerful? Jean Bernard Raimond is the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and served as the Ambassador to France in Moscow.
Diana Pinto
Between Two Worlds
How can the individual s identity solidify in today s multicultural context? D. Pinto's essay in comparative cultural history, written in the first person, is a sensitive and critical document in favor of an open Europe and a pluralistic society.