Juvenile and Child Life All books

René Frydman, Myriam Szejer
The Baby Through All Stages of Development Gypsy II Conference
Can communication be established with new-born infants? Is it true that certain forms of sensory information can be transmitted to foetuses? How can doctors detect medical disorders which are the expression of psychic suffering in infancy? Can psychoanalysis help to relieve such disorders? To produce this report, paediatricians, midwives, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, and researchers pooled their experience to provide a better understanding of what makes human beings develop harmoniously. The Gypsy II Conference was held in association with the organisation known as "La Cause des Bébés".

T. Berry Brazelton
Going to the Doctor
Written by one of the greatest American pediatriciens this book clearly explains to children the key moments of their medical visit. Through the choice of clear and interesting photographs, it awakens the natural curiosity of children, which is also raised by the often quite comical illustrations drawn by the author's nine year-old grandson. With this book, the former occasions of children's torments and parents' agony are transformed into a time of discovery and shared complicity. T. Berry Brazelton is an emerite professor at Harvard Medical School and has been a pediatricien for over forty years.