History All books

Marek Edelman
Unpublished Notebooks from the Warsaw Ghetto
A work enriched with many elements that clarify the text and enable it to enhance the previously known history of the Warsaw Ghetto.

Maurice Vaïsse
The Algiers Putsch
Using archives and unpublished accounts, the spellbinding tale of a little-known turning point in contemporary history

Christian Ingrao
The Black Sun of Paroxysm Nazism, War Violence, and Now
Very accessible and enlightening historiological analyses of the present time (Nazi violence, war suicides, emergencies).

Alexandre Stern
Monkeys in the Kitchen How Cooking Made Us Human
How the invention of culinary and agricultural practices, the discovery and exchange of products, through the millennia have contributed to civilizing the human being.

Iannis Roder
Explaining the Shoah and Genocide to Our Children
This book desacralizes the Shoah and shows that though that genocide had specific characteristics, it can be compared to others.

Yves Pouliquen
When the Académie Française almost Disappeared From the French Revolution to the Empire
The history of the Académie Française under the Revolution and the Empire

Michel Meyer
The Secret History of the Fall of the Berlin Wall New Edition 2019
In Berlin, on the night of 9th to 10th November 1989, the world was radically changed when the ‘Wall of Shame’ came down without a struggle. A year later, German reunification was joyfully celebrated, the Cold War came to an end and the Soviet Union collapsed.

Emmanuel Terray
The Trial of the Revolution
In the first part, the author begins by letting the prosecution talk about the French Revolution. In the second part, Emmanuel Terray asks: where are we today, after two other revolutions, in Russia and in China?