History All books

Anthony Rowley, Fabrice d'Almeida
When History Captures Our Emotions
the authors recount 20 stories that made history and that reveal the role played by the emotions over the centuries

Annick Perrot, Maxime Schwartz
The Genius of Pasteur: Saving the ‘Poilus’
How Pasteur and his followers saved lives and changed the course of the war in 1914-1918

Sylvie Schweitzer
Women Have Always Worked A History of Working Women in the 19th Century
For women, the victory of recent years is one of empowerment in their professional lives: they now have the means to compete with men in every field. Yet societys traditional image of what is a male or female profession remains very powerful. In 2001, French women had managed to enter professions that were previously practically closed to them but French men are still reluctant to enter traditionally female professions. This book reviews two centuries of womens work. It shows that women have always worked but not everywhere. Womens access to increasingly prized jobs goes hand in hand with economic and global development.

Jean-François Sirinelli
France in an Age of Major Upheaval 1962-2017
A look at France’s recent history by an historian attempting to define a consistent theme and perhaps also paint a picture of what the future may have in store.

Alexandre Stern
Monkeys in the Kitchen How Cooking Made Us Human
How the invention of culinary and agricultural practices, the discovery and exchange of products, through the millennia have contributed to civilizing the human being.

Emmanuel Terray
The Trial of the Revolution
In the first part, the author begins by letting the prosecution talk about the French Revolution. In the second part, Emmanuel Terray asks: where are we today, after two other revolutions, in Russia and in China?

Maurice Vaïsse
The Algiers Putsch
Using archives and unpublished accounts, the spellbinding tale of a little-known turning point in contemporary history

Pierre Vermeren
Shock of Decolonisation from 1962 to the present
The failure of French decolonisation, and government cowardice in the face of recent violence