Human Sciences All books
Jacques Andréani
The French Exception
An expert on foreign affairs, Jacques Andréani draws on his extensive international experience to enhance his examination of what it means to be French.
Annales de démographie historique
The Factory, the Men and the Town. Intergration in Industrial Centres
Annales of Demographic History Report
Gilles Antonowicz
Sexual Crimes The Reponse of the Judiciary
What is the value of the testimony of a minor who declares having been sexually abused by a family member? What procedures does the judiciary follow to try to prevent the risk of a false allegation? The author explains and comments on the judicial procedure for these sensitive cases, which are often long, complex and very trying. The author goes on to ask if the time has not come to reconsider the status of the victim in these penal proceedings. Gilles Antonowicz is a lawyer specialising in cases concerning the sexual abuse of minors.
Juan Luis Arsuaga
The Neanderthal Necklace Our Ancestors of the Ice Age
The conflict between Neanderthal man and Homo Sapiens during the European Ice Age is told here by Juan Luis Arsuaga, one of Europes most eminent pre-historians. Why did the stronger, better adapted Neanderthal become extinct, while our ancestors flourished? How can this critical phase in human development be explained? The tragic story of the extinction of this species so like and yet unlike our own can help us to understand our human strengths and assets. It would seem that we are here because Neanderthal man is dead... Juan Luis Arsuaga is a professor of palaeontology at the University of Madrid and a lecturer at University College London.
Patrick Artus, Marie-Paule Virard
Capitalism’s Last Chance For a new balance between consumers, workers, and shareholders
A stimulating text, powerful ideas, a limited number of figures, diagrams reserved for more technical elements: here one finds all the ingredients for a formula that has already marked the success of the Artus-Virard duo!
Olivier Artus, Sophie Ramond
Contemporary Challenges and the Hebrew Bible An Ethics of Good and Evil
A text that combines history, biblical science, philosophy and ethics, for an original reflection on society’s current challenges in terms of justice, ecology and human dignity.
Patrick Artus, Marie-Paule Virard
Your Father’s Macroeconomics Is No Longer the Answer! Proposals for the Coming Five Years
Innovative analyses of the economic mechanisms that we struggle to understand regarding the debt, the rise of inequalities, monetary policy, etc.