Anthropology, Ethnology All books

Annick Le Guérer, Bruno Fourn
Scents and Sound, an Unexpected Association
The mysterious voice-scent synaesthesis

Pascal Picq
Women, Modernity and Progress
A book that looks back at history from an evolutionary perspective, by bringing women to the forefront of history and rejecting gender stereotypes that are often endorsed by historians themselves.

Alexandre Stern
Who Are You, Homo sapiens? Understanding Our Nature In Order to Live Better
After telling how the art of cooking had humanized, civilized our ancestral apes, Alexandre Stern explores the roots of our humanity to better examine our modern practices and ways of life.

Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, Lluis Quintana-Murci
Civilizations: Questioning Identity and Diversity: Autumn Colloquium of the Collège de France
The noun “civilization” entered Western European vocabulary in the Eighteenth Century, and at that time denoted a stage of material, social, and cultural evolution...

Anne Muxel
The Other at a Distance When a Pandemic Affects Intimacy
A sociological analysis that looks in depth at the upheavals brought about by the pandemic that have affected the intimate side of our existence and our relationships with others.

Alain Bentolila
We Are Not Bonobos: I Talk, Therefore I Am
The conquest of language and writing against the chaos of the world and all its forms of manipulation

Pascal Picq
And Evolution Created Woman Sexual Coercion and Violence in Men
An accessible, compelling assessment of what has been learned concerning the relationships between the sexes/genders from an evolutionary point of view.

Alexandre Stern
Monkeys in the Kitchen How Cooking Made Us Human
How the invention of culinary and agricultural practices, the discovery and exchange of products, through the millennia have contributed to civilizing the human being.