Archaeology, Paleontology, Prehistory All books

Philippe Taquet
The Imprint of Dinosaurs
"In 1964, my steps encountered the prints of dinosaurs and, ever since, my shoes have travelled extensively, from the Tenere desert to the Brazilian Sertao, from the Laos forest to the steppes of Mongolia; I was lucky to discover several dinosaurs and happy to share the life of many inhabitants of this planet, Tuaregs in Niger, Berbers from the Moroccan High-Atlas or winemakers from Corbières in France. By recounting these journeys in search of dinosaurs, I wish to draw the reader in a world that owes nothing to fiction but a lot to science." Philippe Tacquet

Maurice Taieb, Doris Barboni
Once Upon a Time There Was Lucy
The discovery of Lucy told to children by one of her historic discoverers. Illustrations by Cécile Gambini.

Ludovic Slimak
Neanderthal Uncovered
Neanderthal Man as he truly was; an innovative and enthralling book, which takes us on a journey through space and time with our “human brother.”

Pascal Picq
And at the Beginning there was Man...
In forty years, the genealogical tree of human evolution has grown so extensively that it now spans six million years. But fossils, the tree of evolution and the story they tell openly challenge all prevailing ideas about evolution; and though they have been shaken, these ideas have barely begun to change. In this book, Pascal Picq examines concrete, existing proof of our origins and then goes on to offer a new view of the human position in the evolutionary process. Pascal Picq is a senior lecturer in paleo-anthropology and prehistory at the Collège de France.