Economics and Finance All books
Didier Lombard
The Irresistible Ascension Of Digital Europe and the rest of the world
What are Europe’s advantages in the digital race against Asia and the U.S.? And what is at stake?
Didier Lombard
New Economy, New Industry Industry: from low cost to high tech
An overview of French industry by the former head of France Telecom. Clear and applicable solutions to reverse direction: produce better quality, and stay competitive.
André Lévy-Lang
The Revolution of Finance: Act II
Precise, concrete, this book will enthrall anyone who is interested in economics and finance and in new technologies.
François Lévêque
Hyperpowerful Corporations Giants and Titans, the End of the Global Model
Why governments want to regain the upper hand over globalization
François Lévêque
Imperfect Competition
A very wide diversity of examples taken from all sectors. Very educational, well written, and easy to understand, this book is also an economics lesson for Dummies.