Economics and Finance All books
Frank Dangeard
Crisis Decision-Making in Businesses 12 Tales of Governance
Based on his extensive experience as a manager and administrator, and illustrated with numerous examples from recent business history...
Louis Crocq, Sophie Huberson, Benoît Vraie
Managing Crises
In the existence of any group, business or nation, a crisis is a serious, uncommon event that suddenly imposes an emergency situation and the management of the vital issues at stake.
Alain Cotta
Global Hypercapitalism
Erudite and original, this book presents a true portrait of the “Dynamics of hypercapitalism,” tracing its lines of strength. It is also a denunciation of the elites and of their oligarchical power, exercised on the middle classes.
Martin Collet
Is Taxation Confiscation?
Who should decide on the legitimacy of taxation? The Law’s reply to a social issue
Nicolas Colin
A Social Contract for an Entrepreneurial Age Our Happy Days
Trained at the École Normale d’Administration and active in the digital world where he is a well-known figure, Nicolas Colin has an atypical profile, very popular among the media.
Élie Cohen
Industrial Sovereignty
How can we escape our economic dependency and regain our industrial sovereignty? What substance should be given to this “strategic autonomy” that the French and the Germans henceforth hope will be achieved?
Bill Clinton
Back to Work Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy
“There is simply no evidence that we can succeed in the twenty-first century with an antigovernment strategy,” based on “a philosophy grounded in ‘you’re on your own’ rather than ‘we’re all in this together.’ ” Bill Clinton