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Christian Saint-Étienne
Europe’s Wild Card The Real Solution to Exit the Economic Crisis
Christian Saint-Etienne argues that the European project was built on a fallacious concept from the start. The premises were false and Europe has become the world’s “soft underbelly”.

Michel Godet, Alain Lebaube, Philippe Ratte
Good News in France
“Once upon a time, there was a marvellous country called France, famed for its geographic and geologic variety as well as for its rich heritage and the diversity of its cultural traditions...

Samuel P. Huntington
The Clash of Civilisations
This is the book to read to understand the contemporary world and the real threats that are arising.

Michel Godet
The Impact of 2006 Demographics, Growth, Employment
France is undergoing a major recession on all fronts, according to Michel Godet. And it is pointless to blame globalisation, European construction or technological change. The demographic watershed of 2006, when the retirement-pension system will explode, will reveal decades of wasteful mismanagement. For how, he asks, can hope remain if there are no human beings?How can sustainable development be assured within a truly participatory democracy? This iconoclastic, inflamed indictment is above all a voluntarists message of lucidity and hope. Michel Godet holds the chair of futurology at CNAM.