Pedagogy, Education, Teaching All books
Marc Crépon
The Writer’s Vocation
From earliest childhood we all know how violent, unfair, even inflexible, language can be — particularly when we have to confront our parents’ or schoolteachers’ anger.
Michel Laguës
Water in Daily Life
With the aid of this book, readers will be able to understand some of the most complex and profound ideas of contemporary physics simply by observing water in their daily lives. Michel Laguës is a research director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Édouard Gentaz
The True Contribution of Neuroscience to School A Neuromyth?
A clear and practical book, based on several multidisciplinary studies, which critically evaluates the true contribution of neuroscience to teaching and learning.
Jérôme Deauviau, Janine Reichstadt, Jean-Pierre Terrail
Teaching Reading Skills Effectively An Enquiry and Its Implications
A clear and precise presentation of the controversy around methods used to teach reading skills in French primary schools