Philosophy All books

Jean-Claude Carrière
The impact of science is on the wane — while religious belief is omnipresent and all-powerful

Jean-Claude Carrière
The reputation of Jean-Claude Carrière all of whose works, and in particular the most recent one, Belief, have known immense success. His writing, and his erudition, and the evocative power of his arguments make his essays into unique works.

Roger-Pol Droit
101 Experiences of Daily Philosophy
This highly original book consists of 101 short texts, each describing an experiment or something to do. Although the practical exercises are easy to accomplish, they are often disconcerting and will make the reader aware of how strange an apparently banal action can seem. Their purpose is philosophical: the goal being to experience the unexpected through simple actions and events. Roger-Pol Droit intends to shake up the certainties that underlie our identity, speech, relations to time and space, and memory, and enable us to feel issues that are generally regarded as abstract. In his highly readable, incisive style he has succeeded in transforming ideas into feelings. Roger-Pol Droit is a philosopher and researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

Roger-Pol Droit
Recent News of Ordinary Objects
"Can you learn anything from ordinary objects the things you use in your daily life? The answer is: yes, more than you can imagine. During the course of one year, I assigned myself a sort of adventure: I kept a diary of my encounter with objects, and I suggest you do the same. Briefly, my goal was to try to find the words that are hidden inside objects, to discover the questions that lie at the heart of things. My journey took place in four stages: surprise, groping, panicking, feeling soothed. This experience, touched with humour and a hint of folly, also follows the itinerary of an unexpected spiritual journey," Roger-Pol Droit is a research fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Roger-Pol Droit
The Company of Philosophers
Roger-Pol Droit takes the reader on a voyage through time, spanning the centuries from Antiquity to the present, in a series of intellectual portraits of great and usual or remarkable thinkers, beginning with Socrates and Plato and ending with Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze. A major part of this volume is devoted to modern philosophers, from Kant to Heidegger. The author's goal is to stimulate new thought and to bring to life for the reader the vital ideas of past thinkers.

Michel Cassé, Edgar Morin
Children of the Sky Between Nothingness, Light and Matter
What is the universe, which we regard as "ours" not only because we live in it but because it produced us? This book is in the form of a dialogue on cosmology between the astrophysicist Michel Cassé and the philosopher Edgar Morin. It is a profound work which revels in the joy of knowledge and restores us to the universe that is in all of us, as it celebrates the "anthropo-cosmos". Michel Cassé is an astrophysicist at the Atomic Energy Commission. Edgar Morin is an internationally renowned writer and thinker.

Jean-Denis Bredin, Thierry Lévy
Convince A Discussion of Eloquence
Two of France's most celebrated lawyers demonstrate the power of skillfuloration and how it can subordinate the actual facts. Anyone that is fascinated by speech, judicial history, and the art of debate, will truly enjoy gaining the knowledge, power and sense of conquest that this book imparts as they learn from the masters how to use eloquence advantageously. Entertaining, savage and brillant, this dialogue promises to help all with the art of elocution.

Marc Bélit
The Love-sick Philosopher
A passionate and poisonous love affair in the world of Parisian intellectuals and political activists, in the late 1970s

Henry Delmar, Jean-François Mattéi
Philosophy of Aesthetic Surgery Surgery as Desire
What are the visible and hidden forces that drive personal transformation?