politics All books
Dominique Rousseau
Six Theses in Favor of Continuous Democracy
The question of a change in constitution has often been raised: it is entirely relevant in the electoral campaigns of 2022...
Laurent Wauquiez
The struggle of the middle class
In the run-up to the French presidential elections, here are a series of proposals that offer the middle classes the future perspectives they deserve
Jean-Jacques Urvoas, Magali Alexandre
Survival Handbook for the French National Assembly The Art of Parliamentary Guerrilla Warfare
In the corridors of power of the National Assembly, we encounter Jean-François Copée, Arnaud Montebourg, Bernard Accoyer, among other French politicians.
Raphaël Hadas-Lebel
The Future of France’s Fifth Republic and Its Institutions in 18 Questions
Should France abandon the five-year presidential term? Should it proscribe political cohabitation (following the failure of the presidential party to acquire a parliamentary majority)? Is a second chamber necessary? How can the Constitutional Council be made to evolve?
Daniel Sibony
The Quran and the Bible In questions and answers
A step-by-step study of the Quran, almost exactly word for word, to grasp the precise content. A polemical book, but a book based upon the author's knowledge of the Arabic language and the sacred texts of Islam. A return to the original text that allows us to understand the political and geopolitical issues of today's world.
Emmanuel Terray
The Trial of the Revolution
In the first part, the author begins by letting the prosecution talk about the French Revolution. In the second part, Emmanuel Terray asks: where are we today, after two other revolutions, in Russia and in China?
Philippe Ratte
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing The Other Great President
An original biography that convincingly and in a remarkably well-informed way develops arguments that support its position.
Alain Peyrefitte, Raymond Boudon, Pierre Chaunu
Values and Modernity Expanding on Alain Peyrefitte
With The Society of Confidence, and Of the Economic Miracle, Alain Peyrefitte has illustrated that growth is not primarily founded on the material wealth of a nation, capital, or even on work. Development is intrinsically linked to mentalities and values, which are the essential elements of economic, political and social modernity. Using this thesis as a starting point, the Institute of France organised a conference which brought together economic and technological historians, sociologists, criminologists, and experts from across the world, amongst which were R.Boudon, S.Eisenstadt, D.Landes, and S.Lipset. The wide spectrum of debate runs from the history of religious mentalities (P. Chaunu, J.Delumeau), to penal philosophy (D. Szabo). The comparative outlook of this book allows the reader an insight into the hidden depths of confidence, from Switzerland (J.-F. Bergier), to Japan (Terushi Hara), right through to the Third World (P. Moussa).