Right, Justice All books

Jean-Denis Bredin, Thierry Lévy
Convince A Discussion of Eloquence
Two of France's most celebrated lawyers demonstrate the power of skillfuloration and how it can subordinate the actual facts. Anyone that is fascinated by speech, judicial history, and the art of debate, will truly enjoy gaining the knowledge, power and sense of conquest that this book imparts as they learn from the masters how to use eloquence advantageously. Entertaining, savage and brillant, this dialogue promises to help all with the art of elocution.

Alex Türk
Society Under Surveillance
An advocate of democratic vigilance, Alex Türq calls for a wide-ranging discussion on all these issues.

France Quéré
Ethics and Life
The recent advances in life sciences have modified our knowledge about the nature of man. Genetic engineering has given us a certain power over his future. Which principles must preside over artificial procreation and organ donation? How far can we allow genetic engineering and medical experimentations to go? What are the moral and ethical barriers of human science?

Thierry Lévy
Death Before Injustice The Era of Anarchist Trials
On 8 November 1892, a bomb went off in the staircase of a Paris police station. There was little doubt it had been the act of an anarchist...