Societal issues All books
Claudine Attias-Donfut, Martine Segalen
Twenty-Somethings Today: The New Generation Gap
By two specialists in the sociology of the family and of generations, themselves grandmothers of twenty-somethings
Marc Augé
The Holy Week Which Changed The Face Of The World
A breathtaking work of fiction which in which faith in humanity conquers all. A must-read!
Élisabeth Badinter
The Wrong Road
Badinters new book is a candid review of 15 years of feminist discussion and polemics. From womens point of view, what real progress has been accomplished in the last 15 years? Do the feminist voices that are most often heard today express the concerns of the majority of women? What image of women and men are these feminist voices trying to promote? What model of sexuality do they wish to impose? Are we witnessing the return of the old male and female stereotypes, at womens expense?
Philippe deBaleine
Conversations on the Sky
What are the origins of the universe? Besides human beings, are there other conscious living creatures in the universe? If there are, do they resemble humans? Could their appearance be entirely different? If Christian teachings are true, could they also apply to such extraterrestrial creatures? What are Good and Evil? What is Gods role? How did nature take on the forms it has? In a relaxed, conversational tone, Philippe de Baleine addresses some of the major metaphysical, theological and cosmological issues that are being asked today. Philippe de Baleine is a journalist, essayist and novelist.
Alain Bauer, Marie-Christine Dupuis-Danon
The Bloodhounds: A Story of the French Intelligence Services in Their Own Words
Interviews with the great leaders in French Intelligence. These interviews break with a culture of secrecy; what the leaders say in no way glosses the difficulties, or the missteps, of the Services, or the manipulations that occur for reasons of high-level – or low-level – politics.
Alain Bauer, Marie-Christine Dupuis-Danon
The Protectors An Inside History of the French Gendarmerie
Following Les Guetteurs [the Lookouts], the first history of French Intelligence as told by its heads, here is Les Protecteurs, the inside history of the National Gendarmerie.