
Roger-Pol Droit, Dan Sperber

Ideas on the Way Publication date : August 1, 1999

“What ideas can we expect to see develop in the coming years? And how will they modify our conceptions of thought? What impact will they have on our personal existence, our daily reality, our rules for life? Will the intellectual models that are now emerging soon be influencing policy decisions? At a moment as symbolic as the beginning of a new millenium, we wanted to bring together the elements of thought which permit us to better respond to these questions. . . . We are convinced that intellectual work will be in vain if it it doesn’t keep the goal of effectively modifying the existence of humans firmly in view.”
Roger-Pol Droit and Dan Sperber

Roger-Pol Droit studies representations of the East in systems of western thought, and is a columnist at Le Monde.

Dan Sperber studies the common ground between the cognitive and the social sciences. Both work at the Centre National de Rècherche Scientifique.