Medicine All books
Michel Aubier
What to do to overcome asthma, an increasingly common disorder among children and teenagers?
Denis Vincent
"This little book will help demystify an illness that can be highly stressful; it should also encourage an easier form of dialogue with the patient's doctor." Impact Médecin
Jean-Philippe Wolf
Assisted Reproductive Technology: What Are the Limits? Donor Anonymity, Same-Sex Parenting, Surrogacy
An eminent biologist discusses the diversity of infertility cases, existing medical responses, current hopes — and the controversies surrounding Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
Alexandre Minkowski
The Art of Giving Birth
How are children born today in different cultures? At once a history of birth throughout the ages and a comprehensive medical anthropology, this book constitutes a rigorous overview and breakdown of our current knowledge in the fields of foetal biology and neonatal medicine. As a professor and the director of a research laboratory at Port-Royal, Alexandre Minkowski has dedicated his life's work to the medical and scientific study of the foetus.
David Khayat, Cécile Khayat , Nathalie Hutter-Lardeau
Anti-Cancer Cooking
A healthy, tasty and convivial style of cooking that is easy to prepare and fits with the tastes and constraints of modern living. Information on familiar and some less familiar foods with recognized anti-cancer properties.