Psychiatry All books

Patrick Clervoy
The Power of Mind over Body
The role and the power of the mind in healing: a completely new approach. An approach that looks to history, philosophy, biology, psychiatry – all that goes into the healing process.

Boris Cyrulnik, Patrick Lemoine
The Crazy History of Crazy Ideas in Psychiatry
A lively and illuminating perspective on the history of a discipline that is still young. Unusual reflections on the future of treatment for psychiatric illness, based on past mistakes. Suggestions for helping the near future to become the Golden Age of psychiatry.

Bruno Millet-Ilharreguy
Improved Therapies for OCD Brain Stimulation Offers Hope
A new therapy to overcome Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Temple Grandin, Richard Panek
The Autistic Brain
A cutting-edge account of the latest science of autism, from the best-selling author and advocate

Marie-Christine Hardy-Baylé, Christine Bronnec
What are the Limits of Psychiatry ?
On the one hand, an ever increasing demand, on the other, widespread agreement that the profession in is the grip of a crisis. The result is that the supply is badly equipped to deal with the demand. What are the origins of this crisis ? Does it run as deep as the very foundations and identity of psychiatry itself ? In particular, what can be done to transform this natural diversity into a real strength ? Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Marie-Christine Hardy-Baylé works at the André-Mignot hospital, and is a professor of medicine at the University of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. She heads the Association for the Promotion of Public Health of Yvelines Sud. A hospital director, Christine Bronnec, is in charge of the ANEAS project to evaluate psychiatric needs, and is co-president of the Association for the Promotion of Public Health of Yvelines Sud.

Maurice Tubiana
Education and Life
This book is a reflection on the alarming fact that France has the highest level of violent deaths (from suicide, drugs, and road accidents) in all Europe among young people between 18 and 22 years old. Tubiana analyses the pleasure principle which runs through our culture and our values, the Freudian principle that demands the immediate satisfaction of our impulses. This brings him to denounce postmodern individualism which does not make any room for the collective interest. Maurice Tubiana is a world-reknowned oncologist and member of the French Academy of Science and the Academy of Medicine.

Jacques Rogé
Nietzsche's Syndrome
Nietzsche was a manic-depressive. This is the conclusion that one doctor, Professor Jacques Rogé has come to after reading the works of the great philosopher, in particular his autobiographical texts. In light of this diagnosis, he explains why the author of Joyful Wisdom continuously oscillated between periods of creative exultation and periods of melancholic depression. In particular, he draws out the essential role that this illness played in the explosion of Nietzsches genius.
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