Toxicology, Addiction All books

Bernard Roques
The Danger of Drugs
This book is the result of a study on drugs carried out by Bernard Roques at the request of the French Secretary of State for Health, Bernard Kouchner. The author has reviewed and summarised a large body of information from all over the world, so this is a thorough, detailed scientific examination of what is known today of the potential dangers, particularly for the brain, of toxic and psychotropic drugs including alcohol and tobacco which are often associated with the consumption of other drugs. Roques study will doubtless play a major role in public health discussions and decisions, particularly in the fight against alcoholism and nicotine addiction. Bernard Roques is a member of the French Académie des Sciences.

François-Xavier Poudat, Marthylle Lagadec
Sex Out Of Control Overcoming Addiction
A unique practical guide that dares to tackle sex addiction without taboo. Information on sexual addiction, both in terms of research and treatment. Advice on how to deal with possible relapses.

Martine Perez
Why Smoking Should Be Banned
A journalistic investigation by a health expert who brings to our attention the real — and imagined — health risks
![Toxicos - Drug addiction: Thirty Years that Changed Everything – But Tomorrow?]](
Bernard Kouchner, Patrick Aeberhard, Jean-Pierre Daulouède, Bertrand Lebeau Leibovici, William Lowenstein
Toxicos Drug addiction: Thirty Years that Changed Everything – But Tomorrow?]
Against the institutional inertia and the comfort of habits of thought, the invigorating and instructive account by five uncommon brothers in arms, driven by the same will to care for those who in the past were despised.