New releases
Conseil franco-britannique, Giles Radice, Jacques Viot
A Century of the Entente Cordial Franco-British Council
The publication of this book commemorates the centenary of the signing of the Entente Cordiale, a key date in Anglo-French relations. T
Jacques Fricker
Be Slim, Healthy and Feel Good in Your Skin
How should you eat to keep healthy while remaining slim? What should you do to maintain your ideal weight, without having to diet constantly and without putting on excess kilos over the years? If you have successfully followed a diet, how can you keep from putting the extra weight back on? How can you avoid the cycles of weight loss and weight gain? Above all, how can you keep your figure, as well as your health, and safeguard against illness by eating an optimal diet? This book shows how a single diet can enable you to simultaneously achieve these three goals figure, form, health. Jacques Fricker is a physician specialising in nutrition.
Claude de Calan, Pierre Etaix
The Clown and the Wise Man
"One of us is an acrobat and a filmmaker who tries to provoke laughter; the other one tries to contribute to the progress of mathematical physics. Yet, we could endlessly throw our ideas back and forth. The surprising closeness of our approaches, the strange fraternity between our two disciplines, which are as far away from each other in their goals as in their techniques, gave us great joy. It is our feeling of wonder that wed like to share here," write Pierre Etaix and Claude de Calan. Sometimes known as the French Buster Keaton, Pierre Etaix is a master of burlesque and the inventor of unequalled visual gags. Claude de Calan is a scientist at the Centre of Theoretical Physics at the Ecole Polytechnique.