New releases
Philippe Bas
The Paths of the Republic
In a bogged down Europe, the Republic no longer finds the extra power it needs to solve the problems of the French. Yet, against the destructive forces at work, the need for a Republic continues to grow.
Stanislas Dehaene
Science Helping Schools
Presented in a concise and clear way, the most important discoveries concerning the brains of the youngest students.
Orna Donath
Regretting Being a Mother Being a Mother and Being Oneself Isn’t Easy
A controversial subject: one can have children, love them, and think that one has not completely succeeded in life. A book based on a fieldwork survey. The words of liberated women.
Boris Cyrulnik, Philippe Bouhours
Sport and Resilience
An analysis of what makes great champions, which also deals with the influence of sports on resilience, and the impact of resilience on sports.
Albert Najman
Creating Blood, Bone Marrow
The most recent discoveries in the functioning of bone marrow represent a great hope for treating diseases such as thalassemia, leukemia, lymphoma, and others.
Pascal Salin
True Liberalism A Critical History of Economic and Fiscal Policies
A notable figure of liberalism in France, Pascal Salin is former president of the Société du Mont-Pèlerin, and is the author of many seminal works on liberalism.
Jean-Philippe Zermati
Let’s Find a More Peaceful Relationship with Our Bodies in Order to Lose Weight
To stop gaining weight, one must free oneself of mental controls and of all the ideas that contribute to disrupting eating behavior.
Michel Aglietta
Transforming the Growth System
An essential book for thinking in other ways about the relationships between finance, growth, and the climate, and for situating oneself within a long term perspective.