New releases
Pascale Cossart
The New Microbiology
New essential data about the life of bacteria, their resistance to antibiotics, inter-bacterial communication, etc.
Jean Guilaine, Chantal Alibert
Paul Tournal, The Inventor Of Prehistory
A clear and accessible account of the obstacles endured by the inventor of prehistory, in particular in overcoming disbelief in the existence of fossilised human remains.
Serge Braun
The Babel Syndrome
A philiosophical reflection on the links between science, religion and more broadly the various areas of culture.
Florence Lautrédou
True Love Breaking Free from the Illusions of Love
Written in vibrant and literary style, but at the same time a real guide to personal development which will help guide the way along the path of love. Finding real love remains a major hope for many women.
Results : 1 to 6 from 6 books