New releases

Étienne-Émile Baulieu
The Generation of the Pill
After meeting Gregory Pincus, the inventor of the pill, E. Baulieu, a young researcher and hormone specialist, found himself at the heart of one of society s most burning controversies: contraception. This is his story; his own contribution to contraception, RU 486, the first contragestive pill, and his reflections on the ethical debate it provoked.

Anna Rasa
The Ideal Family The Social Life of Mongeese
Queen mother, the political leader, the prince consort, the military leader and guardian of the moral standards of their offspring, in turn warriors, baby-sitters, peacekeepers and brave troopers- such is the composition of the ideal mongoose family, those intelligent and appealing predators. A masterpiece of observation, analysis and description, by an ethnologist trained by Konrad Lorenz.

Jacques Rupnik
The Other Europe The Crisis and End of Communism
The crumbling of the Berlin Wall marked the end of the divided Europe that was inherited from Yalta, and the renaissance of Central Europe, so neglected and forgotten that it is often simply referred to as the East. Originally from Prague, Jacques Rupnik is one of the top specialists in France of this "Other Europe". In this work, he delivers the results of a long investigation of both the terrain and the historical thought leading from the nationalisms of the last century to the Gorbachev factor.
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