Psychology All books
Maurice Corcos
An Anorexia Primer
A dictionary to approach the many facets of anorexia. The psychoanalytical approach enables an understanding of the multiple facets of anorexia
Emmanuel Contamin
Towards an ecology of the brain With EMDR and self-care techniques
Explanations for a general readership on the way in which the brain processes information, according to emotional load, and stocks it in various levels of memory. A pedagogical work that sensitizes us to the work of ecology that every one of us can lead, because it is possible to teach ourselves to better regulate our emotions. Ways, means and self-care tools to improve our mental hygiene.
Julien Cohen-Solal, Bernard Golse
At the Beginning of Psychological Life The development of the small child
This collection of articles, written by some of the world's greatest specialists in child and infant care, deal with the child's development, inherent potential, and interaction with their environment and family from 0-3 years old; early childhood bonding, the role played by outside stimuli, the workings of the unconscious, the impact of affectivity on intelligence, the appearance of thought, the development of speech, the growth of the consciousness of self, sexuality, and the child's relations with its mother, father, and siblings.. This book will be a useful tool both for parents who wish to understand their child's development and for childcare professionals who wish to keep up with recent research. Julien Cohen-Solal is the co-author, with René Frydman, of My Pregnancy, My Child. Bernard Golse heads the child-psychiatry service at the Hôpital Saint Vincent de Paul, in Paris, and teaches psychiatry at the University of Paris-V.
Patrick Clervoy
The Power of Mind over Body
The role and the power of the mind in healing: a completely new approach. An approach that looks to history, philosophy, biology, psychiatry – all that goes into the healing process.