Psychology All books

Liliane Zylbersztejn
Itinerary of an Abused Child Hate, love, and life
A powerful testimony enriched with a reflection on children’s psychological defences against abuse. Seen as a positive psychological process, this approach to hatred — an unusual concept — can light the path of many people who consider themselves affected.

Roger Zumbrunnen, Éric Malbos
Stop Panicking at the Wheel!
A new edition enhanced with an entire chapter devoted to therapy through virtual reality: the use of 3D environments is particularly well-adapted to the treatment of the fear of driving.

Édouard Zarifian
The True Paradises in Your Head
Nowadays, we are not entitled to be sad without being told: this is a disease . Consequences: instead of receiving love and friendship, the distressed person receives a medicine which deepens his solitude. Édouard Zarifian, a well-know psychiatrist, argues against the abuse of psychotropes in prescriptions and warns us against a society ready to normalize emotions.

Édouard Zarifian
The Will to Be Cured
Here is the most anachronistic and conservative book that could be written on medicine. Here I defend an idea which is too often forgotten, even if it is at the base of all practical medicine that no treatment can be really whole if the patient, those close to him, and his doctor dont establish a special relationship based on trust. Compassion, understanding of suffering and devotion all have a place in the therapeutic relationship. How should we best care for the sick? Why heal? Its a lost word that I propose here to recover. Édouard Zarifian is a professor of psychiatry and medical psychology at the University of Caen.

Édouard Zarifian
The Price of Well-being
Why is France one of the countries which has the highest rate of consumption of psychotropic drugs (tranquillisers, hypnotics, antidepressants, neuroleptics) ? Are the French more ill than other nationalities ? No, says Edouard Zarifian, it is rather that in this country, we offer medication for the least emotional trouble. It is thus a cry of warning that Professor Zarifian voices in this book, directly inspired by his celebrated report to the Ministry of Health which the public have not had access to up until now.

Malvine Zalcberg
Women in Love — What Love Does to Them
Why does love seem to play a more significant role in a woman’s life than in a man’s?