Psychology All books
Tobie Nathan, Nathalie Zajde
Democratic Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is gripped by an intense paradox. It is being attacked (apparently justifiably) on all sides....
Catherine Jousselme, Jean-Luc Douillard
Meet Adolescents
A resolutely humane and optimistic approach to adolescence that stresses resilience rather than disorders
Nathalie Rapoport-Hubschman
Tame the Mind, Heal the Body Stress Emotions and Health
How taming your mind will help you reduce stress, manage your emotions and prevent modern diseases
Christophe Massin
To Suffer or to Love
Psychological and spiritual tools to feel better about yourself and with others
Stéphanie Bertholon
Coping With a Stressful World
How to adopt a sufficiently detached attitude to resist the stress of constant change