Psychology All books
Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz
The End of Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is becoming extinct. This book warns us of a process that threatens society.
Didier Pleux
From Emperor-Adults to Tyrant-Parents
It would seem everyone in our society has a complaint about incivilities, widespread selfishness and the loss of “values” in an increasingly materialistic society whose members are perceived as rude and badly brought up...
Bernard Granger, Daria Karaklic
Borderline Personality Disorder
If you suffer from borderline personality disorder take heart — it is not irreversible!
Israël Nisand, Brigitte Letombe, Sophie Marinopoulos
Let’s Talk to Teens About Sex How to Reduce the Number of Teenage Pregnancies
Teenage pregnancy is a serious problem in many countries yet the subject is often taboo