Psychology All books
Daniel N. Stern
Forms of Vitality Exploring Dynamic Experience in Psychology, the Arts, Psychotherapy, and Development
The author renews a concept that had been abandoned for more than a century but which is central to our understanding of our intimate experience of existence
Willy Pasini
Unfaithful Loves
A great specialist on intimacy examines the question: What are we really looking for in adultery?
François Lelord
Little Hector Learns About Life
A new hero has been added to François Lelord’s tender and ironic universe
Dominique Servant
How Not to Crack Up at Work
What can be done, in a concrete fashion, to overcome work-related problems and to obtain professional satisfaction and fulfilment?
Daniel Widlöcher
How to Become a Psychoanalyst And Not Give Up
A master of psychoanalysis recounts how his career and his thinking made him who he is
Jean-Charles Nayebi
Preparing, Protecting and Educating Children and Adolescents for Life in a Digital World
An educational and psychological aspect: the author explains how each of the sites accessed (game, chat rooms) can affect or even alter behaviour and lead to addiction.
Boris Cyrulnik
Telling and Dying of Shame
It is shame’s “intimate theatre” that Cyrulnik explores here, in his new book