Child development All books
Boris Cyrulnik
Preparing the children for kindergarten
Boris Cyrulnik, accompanied by a dozen early childhood experts, leads an exploration of how we can build the kindergarten of tomorrow and how we can give our little ones the very best chance of success
Libby Purves
How Not to Be a Perfect Mother
Are you a perfect mother or a real mother? Perfect mothers are forever smiling, their homes are immaculate, and they never raise their voices.
Mael Virat
When Teachers Like Students The Psychology of Education-based Relationships
With supporting documentation, a book that fights a tenacious taboo that is completely out-of-sync with recent advances in psychology!
Alvaro Bilbao
The Child's brain explained to parents
This educational manual, written by a neuropsychologist, explains everything parents can do to promote their child's brain development. Practical and educational advice that acts positively to help him/her acquire good intellectual and emotional skills.
Elena Pasquinelli
How to Use Screens in Your Family A Guide for Parents 3.0
Everything you need to know on strategies to encourage a reasonable use of screens for our children and… for ourselves!
Stanislas Dehaene
A clear and precise explanation of the essential mechanisms that make our brain the most efficient tool for learning that we know of today...
Arielle Adda
The Psychology of (Overly) Gifted Children
Arielle Adda is very well known in the community of gifted people; she lectures regularly. The book will also be of interest to adults wishing to better understand who they are. A cutting-edge analysis that reveals a profound knowledge of the multiple facets of the personality of a gifted child and the challenges he poses.
Hélène Romano
Helping the Child in Trouble Separation, Aggression, Traumatism
A response adapted to the growing violence occurring in our societies, from school bullying to terrorist attacks. Contains many practical examples and explanations, clear and concrete guidance to help parents help their children and make them feel secure.