General Psychology All books
Daniel Sibony
Islam, Phobia, Guilt
The uneasy relations between Islam and the West, analysed by the psychoanalyst Daniel Sibony
Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
Help Me to Live, Please!
With the energy and talent she is known for, Jeanne Siaud-Facchin proposes here less a new theory than a new practice of psychology...
Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
A Spring at Home
55 daily meditation texts for inspiration, grounding, connecting. • Illustrated meditations to reconnect to ourselves and to others.
Jeanne Siaud-Facchin, Jean-Christophe Seznec
Growing, Living, Becoming
A book that provides answers to the big question: how to progress in life? How to lead a life that is suited to oneself?
Xavier Seron
The Lie
Based on the latest advances in research, notably in Anglophone countries. An approach that leans heavily on the neurosciences and looks at the cerebral foundation of lying.
France Schott-Billmann
Therapy through Rhythmic Dance Healing through dance
Dance: an inner movement that can liberate any person who allows him or herself to be carried away by music.
France Schott-Billmann
The Need to Dance
Village dances, the craze for Oriental and African dancing, the large number of rave parties - over the past few years, the joy of dancing seems to have been rediscovered in France. What does the desire to dance hide?
Laurent Schmitt
Secret The role of secrecy throughout human life
A reflection on the benefits of secrecy to the psyche that goes against the tide of transparency. Secrecy can be useful or even indispensable to our psychic survival. A contemporary and historical account of the role of secrecy in psychology.
Laurent Schmitt
The Dance of the Egos
An approach to the evolution of society: the predominance of rivalry in human relations, the emergence of specific personality types.