
François Lelord, Christophe André

How to Manage Difficult People Publication date : April 1, 2000

The worrier who pesters you with difficult questions, the paranoiac who takes offence at your least remark, the obsessive who buries himself in details to the detriment of the important things, the narcissist who always manages to turn the conversation around to himself, the depressive who wears you down with his apathy, the « A type » for whom nothing ever moves fast enough - these difficult personalities all have the capacity to disturb your daily life, whether at work, at home or within the family….. sont psychiatres et psychothérapeutes.

François Lelord and Christophe André are psychiatrists and psychologists and are most notably the authors of L'Estime de soi. François Lelord has published Les Contes d'un psychiatre ordinaire whilst Christophe André is the author (in conjunction with Patrick Légeron) of La Peur des autres.