Pedagogy, Education All books

Libby Purves
How Not to Raise Perfect Children
All parents want to raise exceptional children : well-balanced, healthy, clean behind the ears and gifted for everything...

Didier Pleux
A Day With ZOUP
Based on the insights of an eminent psychologist, this book of children’s bedtime stories will be a boon for parents.

Didier Pleux
Develop Your Child’s Self-Control Helping parents to establish limits, and helping children to accept them
A tremendous favour to parents who sometimes have trouble not letting children do and get whatever they want; learning to say NO in order not to spoil children!

Didier Pleux
Handbook of Education for Modern Parents
Parents often feel overwhelmed by their children's omnipotence. It is easy enough to say that parents must recover their authority and lay down rules, but what are the practical ways of going about this in everyday life?

Didier Pleux
From Emperor-Adults to Tyrant-Parents
It would seem everyone in our society has a complaint about incivilities, widespread selfishness and the loss of “values” in an increasingly materialistic society whose members are perceived as rude and badly brought up...