Christophe André, François Lelord
Self Esteem Liking Yourself in Order to Live Better With Others Publication date : April 20, 2007
Self-belief, self-love, self-confidence... These are all facets of self-esteem, a basic aspect of the human personality, which results from our self-image and how we judge ourselves. Many of the psychological difficulties encountered in daily life such as the inability to communicate or to feel at ease may be explained by problems of self-esteem. Most cases of anxiety, depression and complexes also have their roots in inadequate self-esteem. This book was conceived to provide individual readers with clear answers and practical advice, often through tests. The book is constructed along three main axes: Self-diagnosis: discovering and evaluating ones self-esteem (is it high or low?); testing its solidity (is it stable or vulnerable?). Understanding the mechanics of self-esteem: how is self-esteem constructed and how does it develop in childhood and adolescence? What problems can inadequate self-esteem lead to, at school and at home? What role does it play later on, in an adults professional and personal relations? Learning how to maintain and repair ones self-esteem: what tactics are not conducive to the protection of ones self-esteem? How can self-esteem be developed? When should therapy be considered? Christophe André and François Lelord are psychiatrists, psychotherapists and company consultants. They are the co-authors of two earlier works published by Editions Odile Jacob, Comment Gérer les Personnalités Difficiles (1996; in the Poches Odile Jacob series, 2000) and La Force des émotions (2001). In addition, Christophe André is the co-author, with Patrick Légeron, of La Peur des autres (1995 and 2000; Opus series, 1998). François Lelord is the author of Les Contes dun psychiatre ordinaire (1993; Opus series, 1995; Poches Odile Jacob, 2000).