Psychiatry All books

Michel Lemay
Autism Today
What do we know about autism today ? How can it be treated ? What is the cause ? In this book, the author offers a clear appraisal of the contributions and failures of various disciplines (psychoanalysis, neurobiology, genetics, chemical and drug treatment, and behavioural and cognitive therapies), and makes a case for a multidisciplary type of medicine. It offers both parents and professionals a great source of strength with which to fight against autism. Michel Lemay is a psychiatrist and professor of child and adolescent psychiatry. A world-renowned specialist in autism, he is the director of the clinic on autism and invasive development disorders at the Hôpital Sainte-Justine in Montreal.

Uta Frith
Autism: Explaining the Enigma
Why do certain children live walled in by silence, cut off from the world and others? For the first time, this book offers a general theory on autism, a profound disorder in cognitive development rather than one resulting from family conflict or an attention deficit. Uta Frith is a psychologist and member of a cognitive development study group at the Medical Research Council of Cambridge.

Bruno Gepner
Autisms Autism, cerebral tempo and consciousness
Hope for autistics: a new approach recommends reducing noise levels and visual stimulation in their environment

Temple Grandin, Richard Panek
The Autistic Brain
A cutting-edge account of the latest science of autism, from the best-selling author and advocate