Science All books
Jean-Pierre Kahane
The Teaching of Mathematical Sciences
What should be the goals and the contents of the mathematics syllabus from primary school to university? What changes should be undertaken to accompany and prepare for future developments in science and technology? And how should the initial training, competitive recruitment and further education of maths teachers evolve and develop? This book is the fruit of several months work by a committee, presided by the mathematician Jean-Pierre Kahane, on the future of the teaching of mathematics.
Jean Jouzel, Pierre Larrouturou
To avoid climate and financial chaos
America First! Donald Trump decided to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement. Europa First! We want Europe to be the first to prove “grandeur nature,” to show that not only is safeguarding the climate not an obstacle to social well-being, but that the struggle against climate deregulation is a powerful means to fight against unemployment and insecurity.
Michel Jouvet
The Sleep, Consciousness and Wakefulness
A major scientific work that offers a sweeping panorama of the state of consciousness, from Hippocrates to the latest findings in neurology.