Science All books

Robert Dautray, Jacques Lesourne
Humanity and the Challenge of Climate Change
A thorough examination of current scientific data concerning the evolution of climate change and related phenomena.

Lluis Quintana-Murci
The Human People On the genetic traces of migrations, crossbreeding and adaptations
A fascinating overview of what we have learned from genomics, after two decades of amazing progress: an unprecedented leap forward in our knowledge of human diversity and its history.

Olivier Houdé
Human Intelligence is Not an Algorithm
An original theory that proposes a new model of intelligence centered on intuition, logic, but also inhibition, indispensable for correcting our cognitive biases.

Christine Tardieu
How We Become Bipeds The Wolf-Child Myth
A history of how and why humans are the only mammals that permanently adopted bipedalism.

Elena Pasquinelli
How to Use Screens in Your Family A Guide for Parents 3.0
Everything you need to know on strategies to encourage a reasonable use of screens for our children and… for ourselves!

Daniel Nahon
How to Save Agriculture
Only a radical transformation of agriculture will enable us to feed all of humankind

Lucy Vincent
How to Fall in Love
What if love was one of the best magic tricks invented by evolution ? A far cry from the soppy, and rose-tinted fairy tales of our childhood, Lucy Vincent invites us to discover, with her both humorous and emotive approach, the true face of love its ruses, its calculations, but also its charm, its fun, and at the end of the day, its essential beauty. An indispensable read for those who wish to know the hidden aspects of love, and a useful tool to help master the strategies and language of love. A doctor in neurosciences, Lucy Vincent is equally a scientific editor at Radio France.

Steven Pinker
How the Mind Works
In his new book, Steven Pinker studies the human mind. What is it? How did it evolve? How does it enable us to see, think, feel, laugh, interact with others, have aesthetic experiences, and reflect on our own lives? This is the long-awaited synthesis encompassing all the major explanations offered by evolutionary biology and the cognitive sciences concerning mental life of human beings. Steven Pinker heads the Center of Cognitive Neurosciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author of the highly acclaimed Language Instinct.

Yves Coppens
How the First Humans Lived
Beautifully illustrated and vividly told, this chronological history of the first humans covers the foremost events...

Maxime Schwartz
How the Cows Became Mad
Fear of the condition popularly known as mad cow disease has created a state of collective hysteria: some consumers are so afraid of contracting the disease that they have stopped eating beef; others havent stopped eating beef simply because they believe it is too late to do anything to prevent catching the illness. This book examines the outbreak of this disease and concludes with the reply to the question that is on everyones lips: Should we be afraid? Maxime Schwartz teaches at the Institut Pasteur, in Paris.

Chris Frith
How the Brain Creates Our Mental World
“…a fascinating guided tour through the elusive interface between mind and brain written by a pioneer in the field. The author’s obvious passion for the subject shines through every page.” V. S. Ramachandran

Barbara Demeneix
How Fossil Fuels Are Destroying our Health, the Climate and Biodiversity
Based on the most recent scientific studies, this book shows the interdependence between the climate, biodiversity and our health. It will give food for thought to environmentalists

Laurent Cohen
How Do You Read With Your Ears? And 40 other stories about the human brain
The new book by one of our most brilliant neurologists gives us a concise and comprehensive overview of the latest advances in neuroscience. Forty short, strange, entertaining but always instructive stories about the functioning and dysfunctioning, ordinary or extraordinary, of our brain.

Bernard Sablonnière
Hopes For a Long and Good Life
A very accessible, clear book with rigorous scientific explanations, enabling the reader to see the differences between false miraculous recipes and true possibilities to act against aging.