Science All books

Coralie Chevallier, Mathieu Perona
Homo sapiens In the Public Arena How to Adapt Public Policies to Human Psychology
Finding solutions to the problems citizens are confronted with requires taking into account our complex cognitive functioning as Homo sapiens. An original an innovative book.

Bernard Besson
“With an apocalyptic roar, Greenland’s Lauge Koch Kyst region had broken off from the mainland...

Christian de Perthuis, Pierre-André Jouvet
Green Capital
The indispensable book to understand the green economy and boost economic growth

David Elbaz
The Greatest Trick of Light
The universe follows a direction, and that direction does not go toward ever more disorder, as is sometimes suggested.

Pascale Cossart, Fabrice Hyber
The Great Voyage among Microbes
A wonderful introduction to microbiology by an eminent scientist. A richly illustrated work by Fabrice Hybert, very instructive.

Nathalie Deruelle, Jean-Pierre Lasota
Gravitational Waves
An extraordinary, theoretical, and experimental saga told by two of the protagonists, or how a purely theoretical notion became a physical reality. A revolution: telescopes now observe in gravitational waves also! Astronomy of the future will be gravitational.

Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow
The Grand Design
When and how did the universe begin? Why are we here? What is the nature of reality?